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Learning Through Play

While schooling from books is great, kids learn through play, far better than they do in many other forms. There are quite a few grounds for this. When learning is viewed as entertaining, kids are much more disposed to contribute. They want to jump in and have an excellent time. As a parent, the more that you can teach through play, the more your child will retain.

Citadel Nursery is a conservatory of your child’s quality learning experience that begins with our Nursery programs, and aims at preparing children for primary school learning, thereby ensuring a smooth evolution from Pre-School to Primary School.

At Citadel we consider in the true meaning of the word ‘Kindergarten’ which means ‘children’s garden’. We feel that children are like flowers, and they too need to be cultivated, watered and cared for. This is made possible through a supportive effort from our teachers and all family members against the milieu of a conducive learning atmosphere.

We understand that at this age, children learn best through ‘hands-on experiments and direct experiences’. Hence, our programs have been designed to provide children ample opportunities to be active learners. Our focus is on the overall development of children through an integrated learning process. Citadel Nursery is a place your child will look forward to coming each day.

Our Nursery program teaches essential skills like pre-reading, pre-writing, pre-math, science and social skills in a logical, natural sequence that encourages children to learn one step at a time.

Monthly themes, weekly topics and daily activities keep the curriculum focused and teach key academic skills while teaching children to explore and understand the world they live in. The activities encourage curiosity, self-initiative and persistence.

Art, music, dramatic play and social interaction help each nursery child explore creatively and build self-esteem. Each new accomplishment fills these three- to four-year-olds with pride and the desire to learn more. They realize, “I can do it!” and our nursery readiness program makes it easy and exciting for them to learn.

Citadel gives emphasis on encouraging children to realize their inner potential while learning and growing at their own pace. Besides, they are motivated to observe and be aware of the environment around them. Emphasis is also laid on activities that promote language development and instill confidence in the children to verbalize their thoughts, feelings and impressions of the world around them.

In the UKG program, the focus is on building vocabulary and applying the concepts which the children have already learnt in LKG. Children learn to read and write, using innovative learning methods and tools designed especially for this age group. Complex subjects like Math are taught using a child-centric approach, considering individual capacities and capabilities.

The focus of this program is on enhancing the attention span of the children with a view to accelerate their learning process and prepare them for extensive studies in the future.

The curriculum is framed to assist a smooth transition from pre-school to primary school. It is prepared to aim at logical growth, physical development, societal skills development & emotional growth. Carefully prepared and presented lessons in self-care, care of the environment, sensory discrimination, language, math, geography, art and music lead the children to ever-broadening understanding of concepts and their applications.

Through intentional action, children develop refined fine and large motor control, strength, coordination, motor planning, organization, sensory discrimination, and sensory integration and language skills.

A spirit of goodwill, compassion, respect & helpfulness are fostered throughout the community by lessons of grace and courtesy, as well as cooperative small and large group activities.

 Children experience self-respect and a sense of competence as they master new skills, make choices, contribute to the community and practice appropriate and effective communication.

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